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*** Note: A graphics sheet must be used with this question pool. ***
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Amateur Radio Examination
Element 3A (Technician Class) Final Version
as released by
Question Pool Committee
National Conference of
Volunteer Examiner Coordinators
December 1, 1992
SUBELEMENT T1 COMMISSION'S RULES [5 exam questions - 5 groups]
T1A Station control, frequency privileges authorized to the
Technician-class control operator, term of licenses, grace
periods and modifications of licenses.
T1A01 (D) [97.3a12]
What is the control point of an amateur station?
A. The on/off switch of the transmitter
B. The input/output port of a packet controller
C. The variable frequency oscillator of a transmitter
D. The location at which the control operator function is
T1A02 (B) [97.3a12]
What is the term for the location at which the control operator
function is performed?
A. The operating desk
B. The control point
C. The station location
D. The manual control location
T1A03 (A) [97.19a/b]
What must you do to renew or change your operator/primary station
A. Properly fill out FCC Form 610 and send it to the FCC in
Gettysburg, PA
B. Properly fill out FCC Form 610 and send it to the nearest FCC
field office
C. Properly fill out FCC Form 610 and send it to the FCC in
Washington, DC
D. An amateur license never needs changing or renewing
T1A04 (A) [97.19c]
What is the "grace period" during which the FCC will renew an
expired 10-year license?
A. 2 years
B. 5 years
C. 10 years
D. There is no grace period
T1A05 (C) [97.301/305e]
Which of the following frequencies may a Technician operator who
has passed a Morse code test use?
A. 7.1 - 7.2 MHz
B. 14.1 - 14.2 MHz
C. 21.1 - 21.2 MHz
D. 28.1 - 29.2 MHz
T1A06 (C) [97.301a]
Which operator licenses authorize privileges on 52.525 MHz?
A. Extra, Advanced only
B. Extra, Advanced, General only
C. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician only
D. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician, Novice
T1A07 (B) [97.301a]
Which operator licenses authorize privileges on 146.52 MHz?
A. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician, Novice
B. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician only
C. Extra, Advanced, General only
D. Extra, Advanced only
T1A08 (A) [97.301a]
Which operator licenses authorize privileges on 223.50 MHz?
A. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician, Novice
B. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician only
C. Extra, Advanced, General only
D. Extra, Advanced only
T1A09 (B) [97.301a]
Which operator licenses authorize privileges on 446.0 MHz?
A. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician, Novice
B. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician only
C. Extra, Advanced, General only
D. Extra, Advanced only
T1A10 (D) [97.301e]
In addition to passing the Technician written examination
(Elements 2 and 3A), what must you do before you are allowed to
use amateur frequencies below 30 MHz?
A. Nothing special is needed; all Technicians may use the HF
bands at any time
B. You must notify the FCC that you intend to operate on the HF
C. You must attend a class to learn about HF communications
D. You must pass a Morse code test (either Element 1A, 1B or 1C)
T1A11 (C) [97.301e]
If you are a Technician licensee, what must you have to prove
that you are authorized to use the Novice amateur frequencies
below 30 MHz?
A. A certificate from the FCC showing that you have notified
them that you will be using the HF bands
B. A certificate from an instructor showing that you have
attended a class in HF communications
C. Written proof of having passed a Morse code test
D. No special proof is required before using the HF bands
T1B Emission privileges for Technician-class control operator,
frequency selection and sharing, transmitter power.
T1B01 (C) [97.3b6]
At what point in your station is transceiver power measured?
A. At the power supply terminals inside the transmitter or
B. At the final amplifier input terminals inside the transmitter
or amplifier
C. At the antenna terminals of the transmitter or amplifier
D. On the antenna itself, after the feed line
T1B02 (D) [97.3b6]
What is the term for the average power supplied to an antenna
transmission line during one RF cycle at the crest of the
modulation envelope?
A. Peak transmitter power
B. Peak output power
C. Average radio-frequency power
D. Peak envelope power
T1B03 (B) [97.203c]
What is the maximum transmitting power permitted an amateur
station in beacon operation?
A. 10 watts PEP output
B. 100 watts PEP output
C. 500 watts PEP output
D. 1500 watts PEP output
T1B04 (C) [97.303]
If the FCC rules say that the amateur service is a secondary user
of a frequency band, and another service is a primary user, what
does this mean?
A. Nothing special; all users of a frequency band have equal
rights to operate
B. Amateurs are only allowed to use the frequency band during
C. Amateurs are allowed to use the frequency band only if they
do not cause harmful interference to primary users
D. Amateurs must increase transmitter power to overcome any
interference caused by primary users
T1B05 (D) [97.303]
If you are using a frequency within a band assigned to the
amateur service on a secondary basis, and a station assigned to
the primary service on that band causes interference, what action
should you take?
A. Notify the FCC's regional Engineer in Charge of the
B. Increase your transmitter's power to overcome the
C. Attempt to contact the station and request that it stop the
D. Change frequencies; you may be causing harmful interference
to the other station, in violation of FCC rules
T1B06 (C) [97.101b]
What rule applies if two amateur stations want to use the same
A. The station operator with a lesser class of license must
yield the frequency to a higher-class licensee
B. The station operator with a lower power output must yield the
frequency to the station with a higher power output
C. Both station operators have an equal right to operate on the
D. Station operators in ITU Regions 1 and 3 must yield the
frequency to stations in ITU Region 2
T1B07 (A) [97.305a]
What emission type may always be used for station identification,
regardless of the transmitting frequency?
D. Phone
T1B08 (B) [97.305c]
On what frequencies within the 6-meter band may phone emissions
be transmitted?
A. 50.0 - 54.0 MHz only
B. 50.1 - 54.0 MHz only
C. 51.0 - 54.0 MHz only
D. 52.0 - 54.0 MHz only
T1B09 (A) [97.305c]
On what frequencies within the 2-meter band may image emissions
be transmitted?
A. 144.1 - 148.0 MHz only
B. 146.0 - 148.0 MHz only
C. 144.0 - 148.0 MHz only
D. 146.0 - 147.0 MHz only
T1B10 (D) [97.313b]
What is the maximum transmitting power permitted an amateur
station on 146.52 MHz?
A. 200 watts PEP output
B. 500 watts ERP
C. 1000 watts DC input
D. 1500 watts PEP output
T1B11 (A) [97.209b2]
Which band may NOT be used by Earth stations for satellite
A. 6 meters
B. 2 meters
C. 70 centimeters
D. 23 centimeters
T1C Digital communications, station identification, ID with
T1C01 (A) [97.119e1]
If you are a Novice licensee with a Certificate of Successful
Completion of Examination (CSCE) for Technician privileges, how
do you identify your station when transmitting on 146.34 MHz?
A. You must give your call sign, followed by any suitable word
that denotes the slant mark and the identifier "KT"
B. You may not operate on 146.34 until your new license arrives
C. No special form of identification is needed
D. You must give your call sign and the location of the VE
examination where you obtained the CSCE
T1C02 (C) [97.307f3/4]
What is the maximum frequency shift permitted for RTTY or data
transmissions below 50 MHz?
A. 0.1 kHz
B. 0.5 kHz
C. 1 kHz
D. 5 kHz
T1C03 (D) [97.307]
What is the maximum frequency shift permitted for RTTY or data
transmissions above 50 MHz?
A. 0.1 kHz or the sending speed, in bauds, whichever is greater
B. 0.5 kHz or the sending speed, in bauds, whichever is greater
C. 5 kHz or the sending speed, in bauds, whichever is greater
D. The FCC rules do not specify a maximum frequency shift above
50 MHz
T1C04 (B) [97.307f4]
What is the maximum symbol rate permitted for packet
transmissions on the 10-meter band?
A. 300 bauds
B. 1200 bauds
C. 19.6 kilobauds
D. 56 kilobauds
T1C05 (C) [97.307f5]
What is the maximum symbol rate permitted for packet
transmissions on the 2-meter band?
A. 300 bauds
B. 1200 bauds
C. 19.6 kilobauds
D. 56 kilobauds
T1C06 (C) [97.307f4]
What is the maximum symbol rate permitted for RTTY or data
transmissions between 28 and 50 MHz?
A. 56 kilobauds
B. 19.6 kilobauds
C. 1200 bauds
D. 300 bauds
T1C07 (B) [97.307f5]
What is the maximum symbol rate permitted for RTTY or data
transmissions between 50 and 222 MHz?
A. 56 kilobauds
B. 19.6 kilobauds
C. 1200 bauds
D. 300 bauds
T1C08 (A) [97.307f5]
What is the maximum authorized bandwidth of RTTY, data or
multiplexed emissions using an unspecified digital code within
the frequency range of 50 to 222 MHz?
A. 20 kHz
B. 50 kHz
C. The total bandwidth shall not exceed that of a single-
sideband phone emission
D. The total bandwidth shall not exceed 10 times that of a CW
T1C09 (D) [97.307f6]
What is the maximum symbol rate permitted for RTTY or data
transmissions above 222 MHz?
A. 300 bauds
B. 1200 bauds
C. 19.6 kilobauds
D. 56 kilobauds
T1C10 (B) [97.307f6]
What is the maximum authorized bandwidth of RTTY, data or
multiplexed emissions using an unspecified digital code within
the frequency range of 222 to 450 MHz?
A. 50 kHz
B. 100 kHz
C. 150 kHz
D. 200 kHz
T1C11 (C) [97.307f6]
What is the maximum authorized bandwidth of RTTY, data or
multiplexed emissions using an unspecified digital code within
the 70-cm amateur band?
A. 300 kHz
B. 200 kHz
C. 100 kHz
D. 50 kHz
T1D Correct language, Phonetics, Beacons and Radio Control of
model craft and vehicles.
T1D01 (A) [97.3a9]
What is an amateur station called which transmits communications
for the purpose of observation of propagation and reception?
A. A beacon
B. A repeater
C. An auxiliary station
D. A radio control station
T1D02 (B) [97.119b1]
What is the fastest code speed a repeater may use for automatic
A. 13 words per minute
B. 20 words per minute
C. 25 words per minute
D. There is no limitation
T1D03 (C) [97.119b2]
If you are using a language besides English to make a contact,
what language must you use when identifying your station?
A. The language being used for the contact
B. The language being used for the contact, providing the US has
a third-party communications agreement with that country
C. English
D. Any language of a country which is a member of the
International Telecommunication Union
T1D04 (C) [97.119b2]
What do the FCC rules suggest you use as an aid for correct
station identification when using phone?
A. A speech compressor
B. Q signals
C. A phonetic alphabet
D. Unique words of your choice
T1D05 (B) [97.203a]
What minimum class of amateur license must you hold to operate a
beacon station?
A. Novice
B. Technician
C. General
D. Amateur Extra
T1D06 (A) [97.205c]
If a repeater is causing harmful interference to another repeater
and a frequency coordinator has recommended the operation of one
station only, who is responsible for resolving the interference?
A. The licensee of the unrecommended repeater
B. Both repeater licensees
C. The licensee of the recommended repeater
D. The frequency coordinator
T1D07 (D) [97.205c]
If a repeater is causing harmful interference to another amateur
repeater and a frequency coordinator has recommended the
operation of both stations, who is responsible for resolving the
A. The licensee of the repeater which has been recommended for
the longest period of time
B. The licensee of the repeater which has been recommended the
most recently
C. The frequency coordinator
D. Both repeater licensees
T1D08 (A) [97.205c]
If a repeater is causing harmful interference to another repeater
and a frequency coordinator has NOT recommended either station,
who is primarily responsible for resolving the interference?
A. Both repeater licensees
B. The licensee of the repeater which has been in operation for
the longest period of time
C. The licensee of the repeater which has been in operation for
the shortest period of time
D. The frequency coordinator
T1D09 (C) [97.215a]
What minimum information must be on a label affixed to a
transmitter used for telecommand (control) of model craft?
A. Station call sign
B. Station call sign and the station licensee's name
C. Station call sign and the station licensee's name and address
D. Station call sign and the station licensee's class of license
T1D10 (D) [97.215a]
What are the station identification requirements for an amateur
transmitter used for telecommand (control) of model craft?
A. Once every ten minutes
B. Once every ten minutes, and at the beginning and end of each
C. At the beginning and end of each transmission
D. Station identification is not required if the transmitter is
labeled with the station licensee's name, address and call sign
T1D11 (B) [97.215c]
What is the maximum transmitter power an amateur station is
allowed when used for telecommand (control) of model craft?
A. One milliwatt
B. One watt
C. Two watts
D. Three watts
T1E Emergency communications; broadcasting; permissible one-way,
satellite and third-party communication; indecent and profane
T1E01 (A) [97.3a10]
What is meant by the term broadcasting?
A. Transmissions intended for reception by the general public,
either direct or relayed
B. Retransmission by automatic means of programs or signals from
non-amateur stations
C. One-way radio communications, regardless of purpose or
D. One-way or two-way radio communications between two or more
T1E02 (B) [97.3a10]
Which of the following one-way communications may not be
transmitted in the amateur service?
A. Telecommands to model craft
B. Broadcasts intended for the general public
C. Brief transmissions to make adjustments to the station
D. Morse code practice
T1E03 (D) [97.113b]
What kind of payment is allowed for third-party messages sent by
an amateur station?
A. Any amount agreed upon in advance
B. Donation of equipment repairs
C. Donation of amateur equipment
D. No payment of any kind is allowed
T1E04 (B) [97.113d]
When may you send obscene words from your amateur station?
A. Only when they do not cause interference to other
B. Never; obscene words are prohibited in amateur transmissions
C. Only when they are not retransmitted through a repeater
D. Any time, but there is an unwritten rule among amateurs that
they should not be used on the air
T1E05 (D) [97.113d]
When may you send indecent words from your amateur station?
A. Only when they do not cause interference to other
B. Only when they are not retransmitted through a repeater
C. Any time, but there is an unwritten rule among amateurs that
they should not be used on the air
D. Never; indecent words are prohibited in amateur transmissions
T1E06 (C) [97.113d]
When may you send profane words from your amateur station?
A. Only when they do not cause interference to other
B. Only when they are not retransmitted through a repeater
C. Never; profane words are prohibited in amateur transmissions
D. Any time, but there is an unwritten rule among amateurs that
they should not be used on the air
T1E07 (C) [97.113e]
If you wanted to use your amateur station to retransmit
communications between a space shuttle and its associated Earth
stations, what agency must first give its approval?
A. The FCC in Washington, DC
B. The office of your local FCC Engineer In Charge (EIC)
C. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
D. The Department of Defense
T1E08 (D) [97.115a2]
When are third-party messages allowed to be sent to a foreign
A. When sent by agreement of both control operators
B. When the third party speaks to a relative
C. They are not allowed under any circumstances
D. When the US has a third-party agreement with the foreign
country or the third party is qualified to be a control operator
T1E09 (A) [97.115b1]
If you let an unlicensed third party use your amateur station,
what must you do at your station's control point?
A. You must continuously monitor and supervise the third-party's
B. You must monitor and supervise the communication only if
contacts are made in countries which have no third-party
communications agreement with the US
C. You must monitor and supervise the communication only if
contacts are made on frequencies below 30 MHz
D. You must key the transmitter and make the station
T1E10 (A) [97.401a]
If a disaster disrupts normal communication systems in an area
where the amateur service is regulated by the FCC, what kinds of
transmissions may stations make?
A. Those which are necessary to meet essential communication
needs and facilitate relief actions
B. Those which allow a commercial business to continue to
operate in the affected area
C. Those for which material compensation has been paid to the
amateur operator for delivery into the affected area
D. Those which are to be used for program production or
newsgathering for broadcasting purposes
T1E11 (C) [97.401c]
What information is included in an FCC declaration of a temporary
state of communication emergency?
A. A list of organizations authorized to use radio
communications in the affected area
B. A list of amateur frequency bands to be used in the affected
C. Any special conditions and special rules to be observed
during the emergency
D. An operating schedule for authorized amateur emergency
T2A Repeater operation, courteous operation.
T2A01 (B)
How do you call another station on a repeater if you know the
station's call sign?
A. Say "break, break 79," then say the station's call sign
B. Say the station's call sign, then identify your own station
C. Say "CQ" three times, then say the station's call sign
D. Wait for the station to call "CQ," then answer it
T2A02 (C)
Why should you pause briefly between transmissions when using a
A. To check the SWR of the repeater
B. To reach for pencil and paper for third-party communications
C. To listen for anyone wanting to break in
D. To dial up the repeater's autopatch
T2A03 (A)
Why should you keep transmissions short when using a repeater?
A. A long transmission may prevent someone with an emergency
from using the repeater
B. To see if the receiving station operator is still awake
C. To give any listening non-hams a chance to respond
D. To keep long-distance charges down
T2A04 (D)
What is the proper way to break into a conversation on a
A. Wait for the end of a transmission and start calling the
desired party
B. Shout, "break, break!" to show that you're eager to join the
C. Turn on an amplifier and override whoever is talking
D. Say your call sign during a break between transmissions
T2A05 (B)
What is the purpose of repeater operation?
A. To cut your power bill by using someone else's higher power
B. To help mobile and low-power stations extend their usable
C. To transmit signals for observing propagation and reception
D. To make calls to stores more than 50 miles away
T2A06 (B)
What causes a repeater to "time out"?
A. The repeater's battery supply runs out
B. Someone's transmission goes on longer than the repeater
C. The repeater gets too hot and stops transmitting until its
circuitry cools off
D. Something is wrong with the repeater
T2A07 (D)
During commuting rush hours, which type of repeater operation
should be discouraged?
A. Mobile stations
B. Low-power stations
C. Highway traffic information nets
D. Third-party communications nets
T2A08 (B)
What is a courtesy tone (used in repeater operations)?
A. A sound used to identify the repeater
B. A sound used to indicate when a transmission is complete
C. A sound used to indicate that a message is waiting for
D. A sound used to activate a receiver in case of severe weather
T2A09 (A)
What is the meaning of: "Your signal is full quieting..."?
A. Your signal is strong enough to overcome all receiver noise
B. Your signal has no spurious sounds
C. Your signal is not strong enough to be received
D. Your signal is being received, but no audio is being heard
T2A10 (C)
How should you give a signal report over a repeater?
A. Say what your receiver's S-meter reads
B. Always say: "Your signal report is five five..."
C. Say the amount of signal quieting into the repeater
D. Try to imitate the sound quality you are receiving
T2A11 (A)
What is a repeater called which is available for anyone to use?
A. An open repeater
B. A closed repeater
C. An autopatch repeater
D. A private repeater
T2A12 (A)
What is the usual input/output frequency separation for repeaters
in the 2-meter band?
A. 600 kHz
B. 1.0 MHz
C. 1.6 MHz
D. 5.0 MHz
T2A13 (C)
What is the usual input/output frequency separation for repeaters
in the 1.25-meter band?
A. 600 kHz
B. 1.0 MHz
C. 1.6 MHz
D. 5.0 MHz
T2A14 (D)
What is the usual input/output frequency separation for repeaters
in the 70-centimeter band?
A. 600 kHz
B. 1.0 MHz
C. 1.6 MHz
D. 5.0 MHz
T2A15 (A)
Why should local amateur communications use VHF and UHF
frequencies instead of HF frequencies?
A. To minimize interference on HF bands capable of long-distance
B. Because greater output power is permitted on VHF and UHF
C. Because HF transmissions are not propagated locally
D. Because signals are louder on VHF and UHF frequencies
T2A16 (A)
How might you join a closed repeater system?
A. Contact the control operator and ask to join
B. Use the repeater until told not to
C. Use simplex on the repeater input until told not to
D. Write the FCC and report the closed condition
T2A17 (B)
How can on-the-air interference be minimized during a lengthy
transmitter testing or loading-up procedure?
A. Choose an unoccupied frequency
B. Use a dummy load
C. Use a non-resonant antenna
D. Use a resonant antenna that requires no loading-up procedure
T2A18 (C)
What is the proper way to ask someone their location when using a
A. What is your QTH
B. What is your 20
C. Where are you
D. Locations are not normally told by radio
T2B Simplex operations, Q signals, RST signal reporting,
repeater frequency coordination.
T2B01 (C)
Why should simplex be used where possible, instead of using a
A. Signal range will be increased
B. Long distance toll charges will be avoided
C. The repeater will not be tied up unnecessarily
D. Your antenna's effectiveness will be better tested
T2B02 (A)
If you are talking to a station using a repeater, how would you
find out if you could communicate using simplex instead?
A. See if you can clearly receive the station on the repeater's
input frequency
B. See if you can clearly receive the station on a lower
frequency band
C. See if you can clearly receive a more distant repeater
D. See if a third station can clearly receive both of you
T2B03 (C)
If you are operating simplex on a repeater frequency, why would
it be good amateur practice to change to another frequency?
A. The repeater's output power may ruin your station's receiver
B. There are more repeater operators than simplex operators
C. Changing the repeater's frequency is not practical
D. Changing the repeater's frequency requires the authorization
of the FCC
T2B04 (D)
What is a repeater frequency coordinator?
A. Someone who organizes the assembly of a repeater station
B. Someone who provides advice on what kind of repeater to buy
C. The person whose call sign is used for a repeater's
D. A person or group that recommends frequencies for repeater
T2B05 (C)
What is the proper Q signal to use to see if a frequency is in
use before transmitting on CW?
T2B06 (A)
What is one meaning of the Q signal "QSY"?
A. Change frequency
B. Send more slowly
C. Send faster
D. Use more power
T2B07 (B)
What is one meaning of the Q signal "QSO"?
A. A contact is confirmed
B. A conversation is in progress
C. A contact is ending
D. A conversation is desired
T2B08 (B)
What is the proper Q signal to use to ask if someone is calling
you on CW?
T2B09 (A)
What is the meaning of: "Your signal report is five seven..."?
A. Your signal is perfectly readable and moderately strong
B. Your signal is perfectly readable, but weak
C. Your signal is readable with considerable difficulty
D. Your signal is perfectly readable with near pure tone
T2B10 (C)
What is the meaning of: "Your signal report is three three..."?
A. The contact is serial number thirty-three
B. The station is located at latitude 33 degrees
C. Your signal is readable with considerable difficulty and weak
in strength
D. Your signal is unreadable, very weak in strength
T2B11 (D)
What is the meaning of: "Your signal report is five nine plus 20
A. Your signal strength has increased by a factor of 100
B. Repeat your transmission on a frequency 20 kHz higher
C. The bandwidth of your signal is 20 decibels above linearity
D. A relative signal-strength meter reading is 20 decibels
greater than strength 9
T2C Distress calling and emergency drills and communications -
operations and equipment, Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service
T2C01 (A)
What is the proper distress call to use when operating phone?
A. Say "MAYDAY" several times
B. Say "HELP" several times
C. Say "EMERGENCY" several times
D. Say "SOS" several times
T2C02 (D)
What is the proper distress call to use when operating CW?
T2C03 (A)
What is the proper way to interrupt a repeater conversation to
signal a distress call?
A. Say "BREAK" twice, then your call sign
B. Say "HELP" as many times as it takes to get someone to answer
C. Say "SOS," then your call sign
D. Say "EMERGENCY" three times
T2C04 (C)
With what organization must you register before you can
participate in RACES drills?
A. A local Amateur Radio club
B. A local racing organization
C. The responsible civil defense organization
D. The Federal Communications Commission
T2C05 (A)
What is the maximum number of hours allowed per week for RACES
A. One
B. Six, but not more than one hour per day
C. Eight
D. As many hours as you want
T2C06 (D)
How must you identify messages sent during a RACES drill?
A. As emergency messages
B. As amateur traffic
C. As official government messages
D. As drill or test messages
T2C07 (B)
What is one reason for using tactical call signs such as "command
post" or "weather center" during an emergency?
A. They keep the general public informed about what is going on
B. They are more efficient and help coordinate public-service
C. They are required by the FCC
D. They increase goodwill between amateurs
T2C08 (D)
What type of messages concerning a person's well-being are sent
into or out of a disaster area?
A. Routine traffic
B. Tactical traffic
C. Formal message traffic
D. Health and Welfare traffic
T2C09 (B)
What are messages called which are sent into or out of a disaster
area concerning the immediate safety of human life?
A. Tactical traffic
B. Emergency traffic
C. Formal message traffic
D. Health and Welfare traffic
T2C10 (B)
Why is it a good idea to have a way to operate your amateur
station without using commercial AC power lines?
A. So you may use your station while mobile
B. So you may provide communications in an emergency
C. So you may operate in contests where AC power is not allowed
D. So you will comply with the FCC rules
T2C11 (C)
What is the most important accessory to have for a hand-held
radio in an emergency?
A. An extra antenna
B. A portable amplifier
C. Several sets of charged batteries
D. A microphone headset for hands-free operation
T2C12 (C)
Which type of antenna would be a good choice as part of a
portable HF amateur station that could be set up in case of an
A. A three-element quad
B. A three-element Yagi
C. A dipole
D. A parabolic dish
T3A Ionosphere, ionospheric regions, solar radiation.
T3A01 (A)
What is the ionosphere?
A. An area of the outer atmosphere where enough ions and free
electrons exist to propagate radio waves
B. An area between two air masses of different temperature and
humidity, along which radio waves can travel
C. An ionized path in the atmosphere where lightning has struck
D. An area of the atmosphere where weather takes place
T3A02 (D) What is the name of the area that makes long-distance
radio communications possible by bending radio waves?
A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Magnetosphere
D. Ionosphere
T3A03 (A)
What causes the ionosphere to form?
A. Solar radiation ionizing the outer atmosphere
B. Temperature changes ionizing the outer atmosphere
C. Lightning ionizing the outer atmosphere
D. Release of fluorocarbons into the atmosphere
T3A04 (C)
What type of solar radiation is most responsible for ionization
in the outer atmosphere?
A. Thermal
B. Ionized particle
C. Ultraviolet
D. Microwave
T3A05 (A)
Which ionospheric region limits daytime radio communications on
the 80-meter band to short distances?
A. D region
B. E region
C. F1 region
D. F2 region
T3A06 (B)
Which ionospheric region is closest to the earth?
A. The A region
B. The D region
C. The E region
D. The F region
T3A07 (B)
Which ionospheric region most affects sky-wave propagation on the
6-meter band?
A. The D region
B. The E region
C. The F1 region
D. The F2 region
T3A08 (A)
Which region of the ionosphere is the least useful for long-
distance radio-wave propagation?
A. The D region
B. The E region
C. The F1 region
D. The F2 region
T3A09 (D)
Which region of the ionosphere is mainly responsible for long-
distance sky-wave radio communications?
A. D region
B. E region
C. F1 region
D. F2 region
T3A10 (B)
What two sub-regions of ionosphere exist only in the daytime?
A. Troposphere and stratosphere
B. F1 and F2
C. Electrostatic and electromagnetic
D. D and E
T3A11 (C)
Which two daytime ionospheric regions combine into one region at
A. E and F1
B. D and E
C. F1 and F2
D. E1 and E2
T3B Ionospheric absorption, causes and variation, maximum usable
T3B01 (D)
Which region of the ionosphere is mainly responsible for
absorbing radio signals during the daytime?
A. The F2 region
B. The F1 region
C. The E region
D. The D region
T3B02 (B)
When does ionospheric absorption of radio signals occur?
A. When tropospheric ducting occurs
B. When long-wavelength signals enter the D region
C. When signals travel to the F region
D. When a temperature inversion occurs
T3B03 (A)
What effect does the D region of the ionosphere have on lower-
frequency HF signals in the daytime?
A. It absorbs the signals
B. It bends the radio waves out into space
C. It refracts the radio waves back to earth
D. It has little or no effect on 80-meter radio waves
T3B04 (B)
What causes the ionosphere to absorb radio waves?
A. The weather below the ionosphere
B. The ionization of the D region
C. The presence of ionized clouds in the E region
D. The splitting of the F region
T3B05 (D)
What is the condition of the ionosphere just before local
A. Atmospheric attenuation is at a maximum
B. The D region is above the E region
C. The E region is above the F region
D. Ionization is at a minimum
T3B06 (C)
When is the ionosphere most ionized?
A. Dusk
B. Midnight
C. Midday
D. Dawn
T3B07 (A)
When is the ionosphere least ionized?
A. Shortly before dawn
B. Just after noon
C. Just after dusk
D. Shortly before midnight
T3B08 (B)
When is the E region most ionized?
A. Dawn
B. Midday
C. Dusk
D. Midnight
T3B09 (A)
What happens to signals higher in frequency than the critical
A. They pass through the ionosphere
B. They are absorbed by the ionosphere
C. Their frequency is changed by the ionosphere to be below the
maximum usable frequency
D. They are reflected back to their source
T3B10 (C)
What causes the maximum usable frequency to vary?
A. The temperature of the ionosphere
B. The speed of the winds in the upper atmosphere
C. The amount of radiation received from the sun, mainly
D. The type of weather just below the ionosphere
T3B11 (A)
What does maximum usable frequency mean?
A. The highest frequency signal that will reach its intended destination
B. The lowest frequency signal that will reach its intended destination
C. The highest frequency signal that is most absorbed by the
D. The lowest frequency signal that is most absorbed by the
T3C Propagation, including ionospheric, tropospheric, line-of-
sight scatter propagation, and Maximum Usable Frequency.
T3C01 (C)
What kind of propagation would best be used by two stations
within each other's skip zone on a certain frequency?
A. Ground-wave
B. Sky-wave
C. Scatter-mode
D. Ducting
T3C02 (C)
If you are receiving a weak and distorted signal from a distant
station on a frequency close to the maximum usable frequency,
what type of propagation is probably occurring?
A. Ducting
B. Line-of-sight
C. Scatter
D. Ground-wave
T3C03 (B)
How are VHF signals propagated within the range of the visible
A. By sky wave
B. By direct wave
C. By plane wave
D. By geometric wave
T3C04 (C)
Ducting occurs in which region of the atmosphere?
A. F2
B. Ectosphere
C. Troposphere
D. Stratosphere
T3C05 (A)
What effect does tropospheric bending have on 2-meter radio
A. It lets you contact stations farther away
B. It causes them to travel shorter distances
C. It garbles the signal
D. It reverses the sideband of the signal
T3C06 (D)
What causes tropospheric ducting of radio waves?
A. A very low pressure area
B. An aurora to the north
C. Lightning between the transmitting and receiving stations
D. A temperature inversion
T3C07 (B)
What causes VHF radio waves to be propagated several hundred
miles over oceans?
A. A polar air mass
B. A widespread temperature inversion
C. An overcast of cirriform clouds
D. A high-pressure zone
T3C08 (D)
In what frequency range does tropospheric ducting most often
T3C09 (D)
In what frequency range does sky-wave propagation least often
T3C10 (A)
What weather condition may cause tropospheric ducting?
A. A stable high-pressure system
B. An unstable low-pressure system
C. A series of low-pressure waves
D. Periods of heavy rainfall
T3C11 (D)
What band conditions might indicate long-range skip on the 6-
meter and 2-meter bands?
A. Noise on the 80-meter band
B. The absence of signals on the 10-meter band
C. Very long-range skip on the 10-meter band
D. Strong signals on the 10-meter band from stations about 500-
600 miles away
See TECH-2.NEW for the remainder of this pool...